Media and Press Policy

Media and Press Policy

The ISSWSH/ISSM Joint Meeting 2025 is organized by the International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health (ISSWSH) and the International Society for Sexual Medicine (ISSM) and will take place in Atlanta, GA on February 27-March 2, 2025. The ISSWSH and ISSM promote, encourage, and support the highest standards of practice, research, education and ethics in the study of human sexual function and dysfunction. The ISSWSH and ISSM welcome media representatives to its meetings to report objectively on scientific presentations and environmental issues. Registration is complementary for editorial staff representatives of general circulation newspapers and magazines, and scientif publications. Advertising or marketing representatives will not be registered, and freelance writers must provide a letter of assignment from an acceptable publisher. All attendees at ISSWSH/ISSM Joint Meeting 2025 must formally register. A registration form will be provided upon request.

In order to prevent disruptions and to ensure science-based discourse among speakers and attendees, the following policy applies:

  • There will be no cameras allowed in, nor radio broadcasts made directly from scientific sessions. Filming may only be allowed in the Press Room with consenting speakers, after having received permission from the ISSWSH Executive Director and the ISSM Executive Director.
  • No audio taping for re-broadcast of scientific presentations or question-and-answer sessions is allowed without express, advance approval by the ISSWSH Executive Director. and the ISSM Executive Director.
  • An ISSWSH or ISSM member or any of their Executive Office/Staff members may be assigned to news crews in order to familiarize them with the meeting layout, answer questions about the society, and genrally facilitate their work.
  • All requests for filming, photographs, interviews, etc. outside this policy must be submitted to the ISSWSH Executive Director and to the ISSM Executive Director for a decision.
  • This policy is intended to engender a rational and professional forum in qhich science-based issues can be discussed. Any media representative who sells, markets, or represents a company for purposes of obtaining advertising or subscriptions from any exhibitor or registrant will immediately forfeit press credentials for this and subsequent meetings.

General Policy on Filming, Photography, Audio Recording, and Cellphones

  • No participant/attendee/visitor at the meeting may record, film, tape, photograph, interview, or use any other such media during any presentation, display, or exhibit without the express, advance approval of the ISSWSH Executive Director and the ISSM Executive Director. This policy applies to all ISSWSH and ISSM members, non-members, guests, and exhibitors, as well as members of the print, online, or broadcast media.
  • If approved by the ISSWSH Executive Director and the ISSM Executive Director, then photography, video, filming, and tape recording by credentialed media are only permitted during press conferences or in the Press Interview Room.
  • At any time, photoraphy, video, filming, tape recording, and all other forms of recording are prohibited during all slide sessions, special lectures, symposia, mini symposia, sponsored symposia, courses, workshops, and ont he post and exhibit floors.

If you have any questions, please contact the ISSWSH Executive Office, attention to the Executive Director at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or the ISSM Executive Office, attention to the Executive Director, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

ISSWSH Fall Course 2024
November 7-10, 2024
60 days left
DoubleTree Resort - Paradise Valley - Scottsdale, AZ
Visit the Course Website

ISSWSH/ISSM Joint Meeting 2025
February 27 - March 2, 2025
170 days left
Grand Hyatt Atlanta - Atlanta, GA
Visit the Meeting Website

ISSWSH Executive Office
14305 Southcross Dr
Suite 100
Burnsville, MN 55306

Phone: +1 (952) 683 9025
Fax: +1 (952) 314 8212
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.