07:30 a.m. - 07:40 a.m.
Welcome and IntroductionLocation: Grand Ballroom 1Moderator: Tami Rowen, MD, MS, IF
07:40 a.m. - 09:10 a.m.
Identification of Sexual Health ProblemsLocation: Grand Ballroom 1Moderator: Tami Rowen, MD, MS, IF
07:40 a.m. - 08:00 a.m.
Update on Epidemiology and Nomenclature
Sharon J. Parish, MD, IF, NCMP
08:00 a.m. - 08:25 a.m.
Sexual Health Interview
Sharon J. Parish, MD, IF, NCMP
08:25 a.m. - 08:40 a.m.
Physical Exam
Tami Rowen, MD, MS, IF
08:40 a.m. - 09:10 a.m.
Testing Procedures; Hormonal, Vascular, Neurologic
Irwin Goldstein, MD, IF
09:10 a.m. - 09:55 a.m.
PharmacologyLocation: Grand Ballroom 1Moderator: Tami Rowen, MD, MS, IF
09:10 a.m. - 09:40 a.m.
Non-Hormonal Pharmacologic Treatments
Irwin Goldstein, MD, IF
09:40 a.m. - 09:55 a.m.
Sexual Dysfunction and Depression; Treatment Considerations
Sharon J. Parish, MD, IF, NCMP
09:55 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.
Coffee BreakLocation: Foyer
10:15 a.m. - 10:55 a.m.
HormonesLocation: Grand Ballroom 1Moderator: Tami Rowen, MD, MS, IF
10:15 a.m. - 10:40 a.m.
Hormonal Treatment; Estrogens and Progestogens
Tami Rowen, MD, MS, IF
10:40 a.m. - 10:55 a.m.
Hormonal Treatment; Androgens
Sharon J. Parish, MD, IF, NCMP
10:55 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.
Sexual PainLocation: Grand Ballroom 1Moderator: Tami Rowen, MD, MS, IF
10:55 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Painful Intercourse: Causes, Evaluation and Treatment
Irwin Goldstein, MD, IF
11:15 a.m. - 11:35 a.m.
Vestibulodynia: Diagnosis and Treatment
Irwin Goldstein, MD, IF
11:35 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.
Treatment Options for GSM
Tami Rowen, MD, MS, IF
11:50 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Q&ALocation: Grand Ballroom 1Moderator: Tami Rowen, MD, MS, IF
12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Lunch (pre-course registrants only)Location: Foyer
12:30 p.m. - 12:45 p.m.
Opening CeremonyLocation: Grand Ballroom 2&3
12:45 p.m. - 01:30 p.m.
Sandra Leiblum Presidential LectureLocation: Grand Ballroom 2&3Moderators: Melissa A. Farmer, PhD & Shari Goldfarb, MD
Irwin Goldstein, MD, IF
01:30 p.m. - 03:00 p.m.
Instructional Course 1 - Psychological Approaches to Treating FSDLocation: Grand Ballroom 1
Stanley E. Althof, PhD, IF, Sheryl A. Kingsberg, PhD, IF & Michael A. Perelman, PhD, IF
01:30 p.m. - 03:00 p.m.
Research Podium Session 1Location: Grand Ballroom 2&3Moderator: Lisa Larkin, MD, FACP, NCMP, IF
Sexual Activity Changes Patterns of Inflammation in Healthy Women (#001)
T. Lorenz
Digital Cervicography for Quality Control of Visualization With Acetic Acid (VIA) for Cervical Dysplasia Screening (#002)
L. Goldstein
Cardiometabolic Risk and Female Sexuality: Focus on Clitoral Vascular Resistance (#003)
L. Vignozzi
The Role of Interoception in Women's Perception of their Arousal (#004)
A. Handy
Neural Networks Underlying Variants of Female Sexual Dysfunction (#005)
Melissa A. Farmer, PhD
Improvements in Acute Subjective Sexual Arousal after a Brief Session of Autogenic Training in Women with Sexual Arousal Problems (#006)
A.M. Stanton
Safety and Efficacy of High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) treatment for vagina Ultra Vera - Preliminary results (#007)
Y. Sekiguchi
Effectiveness of a Novel Technology on Women's Urogenital Health and Sexual Function (#008)
S. de la Torre
Vaginal Mechanically-Triggered ATP Signaling is Impaired in Diabetic Mice (#009)
J.E. Harroche
03:00 p.m. - 03:30 p.m.
New Member Meet-upLocation: Foyer
03:00 p.m. - 03:30 p.m.
Coffee BreakLocation: Foyer
03:30 p.m. - 05:00 p.m.
Symposium 1 - Sexuality and TraumaLocation: Grand Ballroom 2&3Moderator: Lauren Streicher, MD
03:30 p.m. - 04:00 p.m.
Psychological Consequences of Sexual Trauma
Alessandra Rellini, PhD
04:00 p.m. - 04:30 p.m.
Optimizing Trauma Informed Care for Refugee Women Impacted by Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
Crista E. Johnson-Agbakwu, MD, MSc, IF
04:30 p.m. - 05:00 p.m.
Pharmacotherapy for PTSD and its Comorbidities
Stephen M. Stahl, MD, PhD
05:00 p.m. - 06:00 p.m.
State of the Art 1 - The Polyvagal Theory: A Re-Conceptualization of the Autonomic Nervous System and its Relations to Health, Sexuality, and IllnessLocation: Grand Ballroom 2&3Moderator: James G. Pfaus, PhD
Stephen W. Porges, PhD